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Law Enforcement Science Requirements

Associate Degree Program | 70 Credits

Admission Criteria   Technology Requirements   ADDITIONAL PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS


Law Enforcement Science, AAS
See Additional Details in Catalog  

Admission Criteria

At least one of the following:
  • High School GPA: 2.0
  • GED: Sub-scores ≥ 145
  • College GPA: 2.0, based on 9+ credits
  • ACT: 15
  • SAT: 830

Additional Program Requirements   

Background Check

A background check is required before program classes start.



Uniforms are required for this program and can be purchased through the STC Bookstore.

Technical Standards

Read the Technical Standards form and review physical requirements. If you apply online, this is part of the application process.

Law Enforcement Technical Standards

Certification Review

Satisfactory completion of LE 291 is required to take the South Dakota Law Enforcement Standards and Training Commission Reciprocity Examination, which must be taken within two years of graduation. Applicant must be 21 years of age to sit for this exam. 
Requirements: Achievement of a “C” or better for all LE courses. Overall GPA must be a 2.0 to graduate. 

Technology Requirements

Southeast Technical College's Law Enforcement Science program is a Bring Your Own Laptop (BYOL) program. You may purchase a laptop on your own or from the Southeast Tech I.T. Support Center.


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